Kevin Corsello, the founder of Pork and Mindy’s, meets with Jim Murphy to discuss the history of Kevin’s upbringing in Chicago and how he became an entrepreneur. They discuss the successes and failures Kevin faced along the way to where Pork and Mindy’s is today.

Video Segments

Taking Advice

Jim welcomes Kevin Corsello, founder of Pork and Mindy’s, to Local Foods to discuss the mentors Kevin had when starting his business, along with the insight he gained from other entrepreneurs along the way.


Surviving the Market Crash

Jim Murphy meets with the founder of Pork and Mindy’s to discuss how he was able to keep his business up and running during the market crash.

Financing for Expansion

Kevin Corsello visits Local Foods to discuss how he’s used a foreign investment to build his businesses successfully. Jim and Kevin also discuss a few great strategies Kevin learned about at Harvard while completing his MBA.